Korean Alphabet

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The Korean alphabet is easy to learn. Called "hangul" in Korean, the alphabet was invented, and is phonetic. Immediately below is a quick overview of the simple letters of the Korean alphabet. Some of the characters in the picture are combined to form compound consonants and vowels. The high-quality pdf files (one each for consonants and vowels), pictured in low-resolution format below, provide more details. They were created as learning aids, so the information is condensed, with minimal explanation. A separate page detailing how to combine the Korean alphabetical characters into syllables is a bit more thorough.

[Korean alphabet: Overview]     

Korean Consonants: click here or on the picture of the page immediately below to get a high-quality, printable version (pdf) of the "Korean Consonants" file shown.

[Korean Consonants]

Korean Vowels: click here or on the picture of the page immediately below to get a high-quality, printable version (pdf) of the "Korean Vowels" file shown.

[Korean Vowels]

Go to an explanation of how to combine the Korean alphabetical characters into syllables. A pdf (300k) for higher-quality printing is also available.

Read about the fascinating Linguistic and Philosophical Origins of the Korean Alphabet. Download the pdf version (288k) for better quality printing.

Go to the Main Korean language page

Read the story of the table clock, written by a Korean Buddhist monk. The page is supplemented to facilitate intermediate level study of the Korean language. Also a 3-page pdf (91k).

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This page updated 3/22/08
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