Samantha Reston
[game [game

Samantha was born into a lower class family in Norman, OK. She is part of a very large family. The sixth of nine children, the Reston's home can best be described as loving, but busy. Samantha enjoys her home life, as there is always someone around to play with. Sam's problems are in school. The school system she attends is rated in the bottom 10% state-wide, and Samantha is doing poorly in school. She tries extremely hard, but does not seem to "get it", and the other children have started to make fun of her as she may have to be left back a grade. Samantha has dyslexia, but up until this point, nobody has detected the disability. She has started to feel that she may be "dumb" as the other children say (except her best friend Lindsay). There is some alcoholism in the family history, but neither of Sam's parents drink.

Samantha begins the game with 2 orange risk cards. [game [game

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