Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect:
Kaufmann house above the waterfall

[Looking up through the driveway trellis (from southeast)]
Looking up through the driveway trellis (from southeast).
Visible through the driveway trellis is the stepped canopy which covers the walkway up to the guest house. This walkway was originally planned to lead into the house on the third floor, but at the Kaufmann's request, it was changed to the second floor.
Original photo, taken by the webmaster.
Click here or on the photo for a smaller version.

In Wright's statements his principles are denoted by words embodying deep intuitions: organic, democratic, plasticity, continuity. During careful study of his texts and his architecture, I have come to believe that these terms present different aspects of one central insight. To Wright, architecture was a great inclusive agency through which humankind adapted the environment to human needs and, reciprocally, attuned human life to its cosmos; amid continual changes architecture could keep human life more natural and nature more humane. This idea pervades Fallingwater in accord with the aims of both architect and client, and gives it not only basic meaning but also powerful subliminal appeal.

- Edgar Kaufmann, Jr., Fallingwater: A Frank Lloyd Wright Country House, p. 31.

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