Good, honest mechanic in Washington,DC/Baltimore:

Auto Repair Anywhere

The car mechanic I've used for almost 10 years is so good I decided after a recent experience to do him a favor and create this web page. He's got to be one of the best "finds" in the Washington, DC metropolitan area (or the Baltimore-Washington corridor) when it comes to auto mechanics. He's honest, but doesn't charge as much as most places (only $39 per hour). He's very competent; a former Toyota mechanic, he's been in business for himself for all the years I've known him. In 2004 his business was featured in Washingtonian magazine.

He'll even come to your driveway or the parking lot where you work for only $30. Recently my older car broke down (former owner's 8-10 yr old after-market tie rod end broke) on East-West Highway and he happened to be available when I called (just finishing up a job) and came right away and fixed it. The last two times I bought a car in a private-party sale from the original owners (once 4 years ago and once 8 years ago), he came with me and thoroughly inspected each one. (I highly recommend this!)

I just called him to ask exactly what kinds of repairs he does. I already knew he did almost anything related to engines, brakes, electrical systems, and other jobs but not specialized work like handling the freon in air conditioning systems, body work, or anything that requires the engine to be lifted out of the car. He told me that other specialized work that he doesn't do is wheel alignment and tire balance, glass (i.e., replacing your windshield), or computerized engine management systems (something that results in your "check engine" light coming on).

He also told me that he'd be willing to make a house call anywhere within about 40 miles of Beltsville (which is near the University of Maryland; see map below).

Here's the contact information:

Auto Repair Anywhere
Mr. Eiji Yanagi
Beltsville, MD

Beltsville-vicinity (Washington-Baltimore) map

This page created by webmaster Dr. Stephen Wright on 5/12/06. Updated 3/17/13 (information above checked, accurate as of today).

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